WHAT’s the big idea? supercharge your career oR business venture



6.00PM - 7.00PM




Have you been thinking about a career pivot? Are you ready to make a career leap into entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship? Maybe you want to drive change and innovate inside your current company?

Join us for a deep dive on what it takes to make the leap and where it can take your career next, with entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who have done it already.

In this exciting panel discussion and breakout Q&A interactive sessions you will:

  • Learn how to seize opportunities for innovation in today's dynamic market

  • Engage in deep dives on the latest global models and thinking in entrepreneurship and innovation

  • Discover how cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset can supercharge your career trajectory and future job prospects

  • Gain valuable insights from successful entrepreneurs and corporate intrapreneurs who are at the top of their game

  • Learn about the unique University of Melbourne’s Master of Entrepreneurship program co-delivered with Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship, which equips you with cutting-edge knowledge for launching new ventures or innovating within established organisations

Don't miss this chance to jumpstart your entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial journey.


Arjun “Arj” Agarwal is a Portfolio Manager for KPMG High Growth Ventures and the Founder and CEO of Inaam, an Australian Impact Investing fintech. A TEDx Speaker and globally- recognised entrepreneur and leader, Agarwal has worked across three continents and continues his work as a social impact advocate seeking to bridge the global gap between capital, young people and entrepreneurship, for a better tomorrow.

Gabbie Gory is Managing Director at The Viewpoint and Co-founder of Pickleboss. Gabby is passionate about empowering women in business, and optimising their mental and physical health. Currently the owner and founder of a thriving psychology practice and also a sessional teacher of entrepreneurial classes at The University of Melbourne, Gory has learned the value of diverse, skilled teams in any venture. On the hustle, Gory also owns a vertical retail sports brand and is actively working on a startup solution to a health-related booking system. Gory’s hope is to continue fuelling these entrepreneurial passions and perfect the work-life balance. 

Yesha Patel is the founder of After. Driven by a passion for the circular fashion economy and environmental sustainability, Yesha Patel founded After to tackle textile waste and disrupt the fashion industry. With a Master in Entrepreneurship from The University of Melbourne, Patel has since grown After to an award-winning company which has diverted 11 tonnes of textile waste across Australia. Patel won Best Pitch and People’s Choice at the University of Melbourne's Wade Institute Showcase, has been recognised in the SAARI Collective's 101 South Asian Australian Start-up Founders List, and was nominated for the 7 News Young Achiever Awards in Environmental Sustainability.

Madeleine Hanger (Grummet) is a force for social change, startups and storytelling. Mads has worked with ASX-listed companies, founded award-winning startups and is an ABC presenter, journalist and producer. Co-Host of Human Cogs Podcast, she's a regular media contributor and the author of ‘You Are Not Your Face’.

Qualified in Design Thinking and innovation facilitation, Mads has delivered projects for governments, universities and the education sector. She received the 2023 Monash University Faculty of Arts Award, 2020 University of Melbourne Leadership Award, 2019 Victorian Tech Diversity Award, and holds First Class Honours in a Master of Entrepreneurship and Master of Journalism.